April, as a month in gaming for Heartless_, was as exciting as watching the Detroit Lions play a random High School football team.
I have embedded the new What I'm Playing/What I'm Paying spreadsheet for April below. The overall spreadsheet (includes previous months) can be found here.
Game of the Month
Played: 2 hours
3-words: Better price = $13.37
Don't let the total playtime fool you. I liked Bioshock
Upcoming Game of the Month for May: Torchlight
Allods Online
I stuck in an hour playtime with my Melee Healer in Allods Online in April. I still enjoy the game and wish I could dedicate more time to it.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
I continued my enjoyment of BFBC2
Total spent this Month: $0.00
My Value Rating: n/a
I made no gaming purchases during April.