August 19, 2011

tWildstar More Interesting Than Star Wars: The Old Republic, both still have boring videos

Wildstar was announced at Gamescom this week.  Today an eight minute gameplay video was released and IT WAS BORING.  But don't let me make that decision for you, watch the video below.

I was brought this video by this post on Rock, Paper, Shotgun (RPS).  The first comment fits directly in with my thoughts and even though Wildstar's footage was boring, it was not nearly as boring as the SW:ToR footage we saw from Gamescom.

RF says: 08/19/2011 at 17:20

Looks like a pretty traditional MMO with some next gen elements.
Like dodging.
And making bear men explode.

Yeah, I think I’ll be getting this. This game is what SW:TOR wants to be but is not.

To back up my thoughts, the one and only RPS regular, Jim Rossignol, chimed in the same idea.

Jim Rossignol says: 08/19/2011 at 17:28

I am more interested in this than SW:TOR.

Screenshot for context/posterity.